Our handbooks and software for downloading
You can find current operating instructions and software here, which can be downloaded in pdf format. Other documents, parameter data bases etc. are available by request.
- EDrive Flyer 2023_Q1 englishVGA.pdf
- EDrive Flyer technical specifications V1_2_english_VGA.pdf
- Drive setup overview_V1_2.pdf
- Komponentenkatalog 2024.pdf
- Handbuch_Manual_E_Drive komplett_V1_2_25_DE_EN.pdf
- Angewandte Sicherheitsprinzipien und Normen V1_6.pdf
- Akku Transporttest Prüfbericht.pdf
- Prüfbericht Personenschutz HPDx Antriebsserie.pdf
- EMV Messbericht HPDx Antriebsreihe.pdf
- Beschreibung allgemeine Firmwareupdates und Parameter lesen V2_3 .pdf
You can find current 3D-Step files from our components here: